The How to Reference Guide on the ASME Section IX Code in 2021

4 min read


The BPVC Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications, is one of the most widely used ASME Section IX code for welding apart from the American Welding Society (AWS D 1.1) codes and Standards for Welding.

What is the difference in AWS and ASME Section IX?

Most importantly, ASME is for welding procedure and welder qualification. Whereas AWS in addition, includes, the inspection, erection, and fabrication requirements. The ASME Section IX covers all aspects of welding procedures and welder qualification. AWS codes also include the inspection, erection, and fabrication of welded fabrications used in buildings and other structures.

In addition to the welding methods outlined in Section IX, AWS also covers general aspects of welding such as required qualifications for welders, positions on the post-welding inspection committee for welding work covered by AWS D1.4/D1.5/D1.6/D1.7/D2A3b. American Welding Society, is the standard for welding in the United States, and is widely recognized as the industry’s leading standard for welding safety. The AWS Code of Ethics, the AWS Manual on Welding and the AWS Welding Handbook provide the basis for training programs in welding.

Exploring the ASME Sec IX Code

The four main parts of Section IX;


  • Part-QG – General requirements for all material-joining processes.
  • Part-QW – contains requirements for welding.
  • Part-QB – contains requirements for brazing.
  • Part-QF – contains requirements for plastic fusing.


  • ArticleI General requirements for Welding
  • ArticleII Welding Procedure Qualification
  • ArticleIII Performance qualifications for welders and welding operators
  • ArticleIV Welding data
  • ArticleV Standard welding procedure specifications (SWPS)


  • ArticleXI General requirements for Brazing
  • ArticleXII Welding Procedure Qualification
  • ArticleXII Brazing Performance Qualifications
  • ArticleXIV Welding data

Part QF – PLASTIC FUSING (added in 2013)

  • Article-XXI Plastic Fusing General Requirements
  • Article-XXII Fusing Procedure Qualifications
  • Article-XXIII Plastic Fusing Performance Qualifications
  • Article-XXIV Plastic Fusing Data

And Mandatory and Non-Mandatory Appendix’s from B to L that cover general technical information, guidelines, forms and figures.

What is ASME Section IX in General?

So therefore, ASME BPVC Sec IX dictates rules and procedures on Qualification of:

  • Welding, Brazing, and Fusing procedures
  • Welders and welding operators
  • Brazers and brazing operators
  • Plastic fusing operators

The QG and QW Parts in ASME IX

Firstly, we will be going through the ASME BPVC IX Welding QG & QW Parts only. Certainly, the most widely used in the Oil and Gas Industry. In addition. the Welder and Welding Procedure Qualifications that are the very basic in any Construction, Refining or Manufacturing Service Industry.

What is Part QG in ASME Section IX?

The QG part of the ASME Section IX gives general guidelines on all three section of code, the WPS, BPS and FPS (Welding, Brazing and Fusion Procedure Specifications), and their Qualifications.

In other words, these requirements are not specific to welding or brazing. On the other hand, it states the requirements for welding and brazing operators for use of approved materials, equipment, and procedures that meet the requirements like ability to withstand heat, impact, corrosion resistance, and required the properties.

Above all, the major sections of the article include general requirements on Procedure Specification (QG-101), Procedure Qualification Record (QG-102), and Performance Qualification (QG-103). Further, Performance Qualification Record (QG-104), Variables (QG-105), Organizational Responsibility (QG-106), Ownership Transfers (QG-107), Qualifications made to previous editions (QG-108) and Definitions (QG-109).

What is covered in Part QW?

This is one of the most important section in BPVC section IX. Please note that these code references are for informational purposes only. Kindly refer to the relevant latest editions for updates.

In other words, part QW “Welding,” ASME IX deals with various requirements associated with welding processes. The section states the minimum requirements for welding procedures to be followed during design and fabrication work. In general, welds shall conform to a standards established by ASME.

Article-I Welding General Requirements

In short, the welding requirements (QW-100) covers various sections defining the purpose and use of the WPS, PQR and WPQ. Also, the different test positions, the types, and purpose of tests and examinations, various test procedures, their acceptance criteria, ndt requirements like visual examination, and radiographic examination.

Therefore, this section covers various practices, and requirements on the scope (QW-100), and technical details like weld orientation (QW-110), test positions for groove and fillet welds (QW-120 & QW-130). Further, the purposes of tests and examinations (QW-140), testing criteria (QW-150, QW-160, QW-170, QW-180, QW-190) for Tension, Guided-bend, Toughness, Fillet-weld and other tests/examinations respectively)

Article II Welding Procedure Qualifications

Welder performance qualifications (QW-200) defines the rules for the preparation of WPS and PQR, in addition, elaborating the technical details with respect to essential, supplementary, and non essential variables (QW-250).

Subsequently, it acts as the technical guidance for Preparation of Test Coupon (QW-210), Hybrid Welding Procedure Variables (QW-220), Welding Variables (QW-250), and Temper Bead Welding (QW-290).

Article-III Welding Performance Qualifications  

Certainly, the performance qualification (QW-300) sections guides us in the preparation of WPQ records. In addition, they define the essential variables for welding performance requirements for the welding processes (QW-350). Further, a WPQ form needs to record a value for each essential variable used and list a range qualified for each of these variables.

Moreover, they define the various testing and acceptance criteria for welding procedure and performance qualifications. Subsequently, they include criteria’s for Qualification Test Coupons (QW-310), Retests and Renewal of Qualification (QW-320), Welding Variables for Welders (QW-350), Welding Variables for Welding Operators (QW-360), and Special Processes (QW-380)

Article-IV Welding Data

Welding variables (QW-400) that are used in the preparation and qualification of the WPQ are covered in article IV. Without a doubt, the welding variables to be qualified are the ones to be considered during the welding process. The welding variables that need to be qualified are the ones that affect the quality of the welding process. Many countries follow the qualification of welders with the help of section IX of the ASME.

Therefore, they include the reference details and guidance to the variables, their Technique (QW-410), Base Metal Groupings (QW-420), F‐Numbers (QW-430), Weld Metal Chemical Composition (QW-440), Specimens (QW-450), Graphics (QW-460), and Etching – Processes and Reagents (QW-470).

Article-V Standard Welding Procedure Specifications (SWPSs)

The rules for adoption, demonstration, and application of the Standard Welding Procedure Specifications (QW-500) are covered in Article V.

That is to say, the Adoption of SWPSs (QW-510),  Use of SWPSs Without Discrete Demonstration (QW-520), Forms (QW-530), and Production Use of SWPSs (QW-540)

Wrapping Up

In short, this article is especially on ASME Section IX Parts, and the sub sections for your understanding on the code. Certainly, it is required that the various aspects of the code sections should be referred and taken into consideration before doing a welding procedure, and welder qualification test.

Moreover, the articles are considered as codes, that is to say, the rules that mandate the qualification of procedure or welding operator.
